ITG25ASI0003 - Stagnetto di P. Galletta


Wetland data

Basic information
Wetland location: Inland
Wetland type: Natural
Wetland area: 0.3 Ha
Hydrological interaction: -  
Water salinity: Fresh (< 0.5 g/l)
Hydroperiod: Permanent
Geographic information
Region: Sardinia
Province: Sassari
Island: Asinara
Municipality: Porto Torres
Longitude: 8.254233 East
Latitude: 41.010697 North
Wetland condition
Wetland status (MEDWET): 1 - Untouched. No signs of man-made changes
Property status
Government - Municipal
Protection statuses
Protection status category Protection status subcategory Area's name Code Coverage area (%) Legislation
Habitat and species protected area Special Protection Area (SPA) Isola Asinara ITB010001 100 Delibera n. 9/17 del 07/03/2007
Habitat and species protected area Site of Community Importance (SCI)  Isola dell'Asinara ITB010082 100 DM 07/04/2017
Habitat and species protected area Wildlife refugee Isola Asinara OASI_SS10 100 Legge Regionale 23/1998 articolo 4-2
Natural park National park Parco Nazionale dell'Asinara EUAP0945 100 D.P.R. del 3 Ottobre 1981
Other protected areas State Property forest Asinara SS1_1 100 N.A.
Important bird areas
IBA code Site name Coverage (%) References
IT171 Isola dell'Asinara, Isola Piana e penisola di Stintino 100
Mammals Presence status in wetland References
Ovis aries ssp. musimon (Pallas, 1811) Common
