ITG27SAR0008 - Laghetto di Su Gutturu de sa Eina


Wetland data

Basic information
Wetland location: Inland
Wetland type: Artificial
Wetland area: 0.1 Ha
Hydrological interaction: -  
Water salinity: Fresh (< 0.5 g/l)
Hydroperiod: Permanent
Geographic information
Region: Sardinia
Province: Cagliari
Island: Sardinia
Municipality: Teulada
Longitude: 8.720034 East
Latitude: 38.978188 North
Biological significance
Biological significance: Low
Ramsar wetland type
Type Coverage (%)
2 -- Ponds; includes farm ponds, stock ponds, small tanks; (generally below 8 ha) 76 - 95
W -- Shrub-dominated wetlands; shrub swamps, shrub-dominated freshwater marshes, shrub carr, alder thicket on inorganic soils 5 - 25
Property status
Activities on wetland
Activity Intensity
100 = Cultivation Medium
140 = Grazing Medium
690 = Other leisure and tourism impacts not referred to above Low
853 = management of water levels Low
Impact Intensity
EE- = Increase of economic potential Medium
PUO = Increase of turbidity of an unknown severity/duration Medium
Habitat types
Type Coverage (%)
92D0 Southern riparian galleries and thickets (Nerio-Tamaricetea and Securinegion tinctoriae) 5 - 25
Species Presence status References
Asphodelus ramosus Present Lai 07.02.2019
Carlina corymbosa Present Lai 07.02.2019
Pistacia lentiscus Present Lai 07.02.2019
Raphanus raphanistrum raphanistrum Present Lai 07.02.2019
Sonchus tenerrimus Present Lai 07.02.2019
Tamarix africana Dominant Lai 07.02.2019
Tamarix gallica Present Lai 07.02.2019
Typha angustifolia Co-dominant Lai 07.02.2019
