ITG28SAR0828 - Laghetto di su Padru


Wetland data

Basic information
Wetland location: Inland
Wetland type: Natural
Wetland area: 18.0 Ha
Hydrological interaction: -  
Water salinity: Fresh (< 0.5 g/l)
Geographic information
Region: Sardinia
Province: Oristano
Island: Sardinia
Municipality: Paulilatino
Longitude: 8.768141 East
Latitude: 40.065820 North
Wetland condition
Wetland status (MEDWET): 3 - Original habitats/landform partially modified (10-50% untouched)
Ramsar wetland type
Type Coverage (%)
2 -- Ponds; includes farm ponds, stock ponds, small tanks; (generally below 8 ha)
Ts -- Seasonal/intermittent freshwater marshes/pools on inorganic soils; includes sloughs, potholes, seasonally flooded meadows, sedge marshes 51 - 75
Impact Intensity
VCX = Introduction of exotic floral species Low
Habitat types
Type Coverage (%)
3170 * Mediterranean temporary ponds 51 - 75
6420 Mediterranean tall humid grasslands of the Molinio-Holoschoenion < 5
92D0 Southern riparian galleries and thickets (Nerio-Tamaricetea and Securinegion tinctoriae) < 5