ITG28SAR1409 - Invaso presso Roiedda Serralonga


Wetland data

Basic information
Wetland location: Inland
Wetland type: Artificial
Wetland area: 4.2 Ha
Hydrological interaction: -  
Water salinity: Fresh (< 0.5 g/l)
Type of fresh water input: Torrent / Stream
Hydroperiod: Permanent
Geographic information
Region: Sardinia
Province: Oristano
Island: Sardinia
Municipality: Palmas Arborea
Longitude: 8.702874 East
Latitude: 39.851046 North
Biological significance
Biological significance: Medium
Ramsar wetland type
Type Coverage (%)
2 -- Ponds; includes farm ponds, stock ponds, small tanks; (generally below 8 ha) 76 - 95
M -- Permanent rivers/streams/creeks; includes waterfalls 5 - 25
W -- Shrub-dominated wetlands; shrub swamps, shrub-dominated freshwater marshes, shrub carr, alder thicket on inorganic soils 5 - 25
Activities on wetland
Activity Intensity
954 = invasion by a species High
Impact Intensity
VS- = Change in vegetative structure High
Habitat types
Type Coverage (%)
3280 Constantly flowing Mediterranean rivers with Paspalo-Agrostidion species and hanging curtains of Salix and Populus alba 5 - 25
92D0 Southern riparian galleries and thickets (Nerio-Tamaricetea and Securinegion tinctoriae) 5 - 25
9320 Olea and Ceratonia forests 5 - 25
Species Presence status References
Acacia saligna Dominant Fois & Cuena 28.04.2018
Dittrichia viscosa Present Fois & Cuena 28.04.2018
Eucalyptus globulus Present Fois & Cuena 28.04.2018
Phragmites australis Present Fois & Cuena 28.04.2018
Tamarix gallica Present Fois & Cuena 28.04.2018
Vachellia karroo Present Fois & Cuena 28.04.2018


Number of individuals


Anas platyrhynchos 1-10
Fulica atra 1-10


Presence status in wetland


Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758 Common
